Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Day 30

Closing in on ONE MONTH!

Not bragging about this first month. But it's all about One Day at a Time! And today was successful! I decided to time myself with the running app. I have it linked to Facebook automatically now when I complete a run to help hold me accountable. Also I like to check my pace. Tonight was on a pretty full stomach and I did the best I've done in a while.

This Saturday I have to run 3 miles. Earlier in the morning is easier to not have a full stomach but sometimes not enough fuel.

Bryan pretty much stayed with my pace, which is nice. He could run longer than I can but the stop lights let me catch up. If we had the dog I would feel faster... He's not used to running distance. He's usually dragging his claws by the half mile cool down. I just need to run more than one mile a day.

..... Maybe I could run around the block in the morning with the dog to get him training!?! It wouldn't hurt me... It could give me that extra push I'm looking for! I wouldn't have to do it daily cuz he'll need recover days! Monday and Thursday for sure! That's a great though for next week!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Day 28

Got up at 6am. Didn't actually get out of bed till about 630. It was rough to get started. I started with cardio and that wore me out. Tomorrow I'll start with abs and finish with cardio. I was able to get out of the house on time this morning even after making my own breakfast.

I feel good today. I did have a glass of coffee, but I feel more awake and a little more energized from working out in the morning. I got to work today and hit the ground running!

Going for a run when I get home whether I want to or not. I have to get ahead of the weight game. This Thursday will be a whole month and I'm nowhere near the goal I set. The real goal isn't till October 1st... But I'm already behind.And with the increase of meds I am a little worried.

Jenn and I are planning on running together a couple times in August. I think it'll be good to run with her. I think we are the same pace right now.

Day 27

Missed my run yesterday, but work was so busy I feel like I had my workout! Today is my day of from everything. Gotta work again today.

Switching my daily workouts to the morning. When I am off work, I don't want to stay at the office. Yet when I get home, I don't wanna work out. I need to find a nice balance.

Aloyan wants me to go back up on the meds that make me gain weight. I'm not too sure about that yet. Things have been doing alright. Just need the workout push. Bryan said he'd run with me to help motivate each other.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Day 23

Oh my word am I sore! My abs hurt to just stretch. On the plus side my legs don't hurt... Although I may kick it up a notch on the legs.  I haven't started on the arms cuz I keep forgetting to bring dumbbells to work.

I have thought about doing the workout at home, but I worry that I won't want to workout when I get home. I'll tell you though, wearing the clothes REALLY put me in the mood to workout. The bright colors help too.

Eating salads again! Been good on that end. Last night I had subway but didn't even eat the whole 6".  I have a lot of good options for food.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Day 21

First day of the app workout. 40 different moves for 30 seconds each. Abs, arms,shoulders, legs, butt, and back. The fact that it's constant motion is the worst part. The workouts aren't that bad and 30 seconds is a good amount of time. Doing this routine for two weeks is going to be just enough time.

We just got back from the store where we bought more salads. So the diet portion should be better. Less than two weeks till my first month is over. I would like the scale to be going in the right direction.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Day 20

Only three weeks into this change and I feel great. I know I've lost a few pounds but I have to be careful of the number on the scale due to the muscle I will be gaining... This weekend wasn't so great, but it could have been a lot worse. I got up and moved!

I have enough clothes to work out 6 days so I have no excuses. I may be tired and exhausted, I just have to push through it. Once it's over its over! A little bit at a time, just like lunges and squats. The first week is 30 second straight of each work out. Working abs, legs, arms and cardio. The first two weeks will be 20 mins total. Plus some days of jogging.

Must get some sleep so I can have my jets ready for this next workout step!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Day 19

This vacation stuff is ruining my calorie count. Although if I just had smaller portions I'd be in better shape. BUT THE FOOD IS SO DELICIOUS! Last night I had smaller portion of mashed potatoes and had more salad. This morning was a little different. Biscuits and gravy is one of my favorite breakfasts...& I had two biscuits.

Intended on going for a jog after breakfast but they must have drugged the food with sleeping pills. Before my cousins left we all passed out on the couch. Even aunt Donna and uncle Gerry took a nap. After we woke up it was too hot to go for a run... So I still was behind for the day. I was good with only one hot link but went back for seconds on the chili... So good with a little cheese!

The weather finally cooled down enough to go around the block. Walked most of it cuz we were all full from dinner. But the hills kick our butt. Two miles of up and down hills was good training for three days straight! Tomorrow will be a rest day and back to the flat bike track Monday.

Monday I hope to start a whole new kind of training now that my legs are warmed up to squats and lunges. I plan to change clothes at work, do the workout at work and then jog at home. But the jogging is going to be a little less during the week. As long as I'm doing the apps 5 days a week I can get away with only two running days with the long run on Saturday. Sunday will be my only true day off (another reason to not work urgent care in Sundays).

Friday, July 18, 2014

Day 18

Visiting my aunt in the countryside, went for a jog this morning. Two laps of hills and dirt roads. The second lap was more of walking... But I did it. Finished off with my lunges and squats. My legs don't hurt the way they used to in the beginning, but while doing them I still have to pause.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Day 14

It's been two full weeks. I've not been as motivated as I'd hoped. This second week was a lot better though. As long as I keep up the way I'm going I should do great.

Still doing the legs and cardio. Went for a 2.5 mile walk tonight. My legs were to wobbly to run after doing squats and lunges. Better to walk it out instead of skipping the run. I now know I need to do legs after the run.

Next week I start arms and abs along with legs and cardio. Hopefully my legs won't be so wobbly when I crank up the heat.

Must stay on track this week. Going out if town this weekend... And god knows I usually gain weight in vacation.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Day 13

A day at the zoo is more than a rest day calls for. Although it's a great workout, it's a very hot day. There were some up hills to walk and some random stairs. Most of the day was like this. Very little down hill and mostly just the end. It took us about three hours to see the whole thing.

After I got home I still has to do my leg workout. I didn't feel the same and wanted to make sure I got my workout in for the day. I can get back to my running tomorrow. 353 days left and I think for the most part I'm doing well.

I'll probably weigh in every month to make sure I'm keeping in track... But the most important weigh in will be every three months. Make sure I can lose 15lbs in three months. It doesn't sound hard... Especially with my workout plans.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Day 12

Just finished a two mile run... Not as good as I had hoped, but we did it in less than a half hour. Still proud.

My legs are sore to walk stairs, but running was good. And my face is bright red. That means I pushed myself more than usual. I found it hard to breathe at times and would stop to walk. I ran with my sister who never runs but surprisingly ran faster than me. That kept me pushing it. That's what I need. Someone to push me.

Time to get to my legs workout.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Day 10

I can't move. How can I work out three days in a row and not rest till day 4 when I'm THIS sore? I am barely walk. I did my squats for the day but the lunges are killing me. I did three and couldn't do more. I haven't done the stairs yet as I need to be in less pain. Going up and down in the mornings hurt.

No pain no gain right!? That's what I tell myself as I run. Which had gotten better. My face doesn't get as red as used to... Maybe I'm not pushing hard enough... Maybe I'm getting better.

After late night pizza last night, I followed it up with a nice spinach salad, oatmeal and yogurt for today. Tonight for dinner will have to be small as well...

I'm doing this. Slowly but surely! With a goal of 5lbs a month it should be pretty easy.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Day 9

Super sore today after doing legs last night. I feel like I shouldn't take a rest day to keep the pain away. But realistically I know my body needs the rest days.

My goal is to lose 5lbs a month... But I can't stay off the scale. It motivates me when I see the numbers go down, but frustrate me when the numbers don't budge.

I know it's all about how my clothes fit not the numbers. With cross training I'm going to be building muscle. My plan is to knock out the 5ks and half marathon before I really start cross training. And by cross training I mean Jillian Michaels' body workout. It looks tough but I'm gonna do it. I'm tired of not fitting in any clothes.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Day 8

It's tough. I'm not gonna lie... And when you're in vacation. In ARIZONA! working out is not on your mind. I'm mixing up running and cross train though.

Squats, lunges, crunches...I sweat just as much as running. And I feel just as good (once I get past the throwing up feeling).

Watching work out shows inspire me... And I get my workout in. Running is more fun with a partner. Bubba has been running in the morning so I haven't been running. I'll go at work if this schedule stays.

Keep on truckin...

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Time for my own transformation.... I only have 60lbs to lose, but that's hard for me when I don't have that personal trainer.  Full time work with school on the side and no one to push me to work out or hold me accountable for what I eat or how much I work out.

Today is a new day. Today is THE day. I start up this blog and hold myself accountable. There will be rest days and there will be cheat days...but it will never get out of control. I'm sick of being over weight. I will not get over 200 ever again.

I will have to take today as a rest day as I didn't run today, but I did pretty well in the calorie department. My goal is to lose 60lbs and keep it off. It may take me a whole year at 5lbs a month. I have to think about the muscle I'll be gaining too. Clothing wise I dream to be a size 9 pants again.

I have signed up for two 5ks this year and I still wanna do the half marathon again. Bryan is doing the 5k but our training hours have been different. And once school starts back up I'll have to change the schedule...

I'm ready for this change. I will lose this weight!