Sunday, October 21, 2018

Never quit planning

Well today I spent a LOT of time making a schedule for the rest of the year.  As we found out, I'm completely out of shape.  7 mins on elliptical & treadmill is not great.  I looked up a bunch of beginner workouts. I combined 2 different ones that was pretty good at whole body cardio. There are definitely more things I could do,  but I want to start off slowly and work my way up. I don't want to push too hard that I give up easier.

I started with just cardio so I can burn off some fat first.  I mean, it's only 10 weeks! I can start to add weight training once I'm in the swing of things. They say habits are created after 3 weeks - then I'll be completely ready come new year.

I also made a schedule for when I should be having snacks.  I just need to go shopping now.

I know I can do it. I've done it before. 

I can and I will!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Day 1

Man, I'm more outta shape than I thought.  Mom & I started working out.

Elliptical- 5 mins
Treadmill- 5 mins, incline 2, 3.5 speed
5 squats
5 fast step up -each leg

I'm winded. It felt great.  I wanted to stop, but I needed to push. This is only day 1. At least I'm finally starting.


Monday, September 3, 2018

Don't stop believing

So, I let myself go.  Moving to oregon was wonderful,  however,  just trying to make things work took a lot of my time. We did have a gym in the complex,  but unpacking took a lot of our time. Then the jobs. I stopped caring. 3 years later, I regret it huge!

 Mom just moved into a new complex that has a gym right across the parking lot.  SUPER close.  & with my new job,  I have a lot more energy after work.  I promised mom I would come over a few days and we would work out together.  We decided after she was settled in, which will start next monday! Hubby & I are going to start walking just to warm up.  We've been taking the dogs to this park they love. I usually do a couple laps of walking,  so that's a good start!

I feel that just writing this blog will help keep me accountable more. Even if no one reads it.  Lol