I've been walking our overweight dog to get him prepped to run with me. Good thing for him is I can't run long distances... and I pace myself. The furthest we've walked him is 3 miles. It was a bit too early for him to go that far. I started doing shorter walks more consistently. Last week I did a run/walk 60:90. He did pretty well. It didn't seem to take him that long to "cool down". (about a year ago I did a 3 mile run/walk with him and thought he was going to have a heart attack. it took him about an hour or so to stop panting).
After hanging out with the family, having spaghetti for dinner and cake & ice cream (for birthday girl), we got home to walk the dog. It turned into a run/walk. We did more of length than time. We made it 0.3 run, 0.1 walk. It felt good to know that I could run 0.3 straight. For not having trained lately, that's not bad. When I used to train after work around the golf course, I could go 0.5 (a more down hill grade) without stopping.
Tomorrow will be a walk only day. Gotta keep the muscles moving to be able to run more Tuesday. There's only 3 more weeks till the 5k zombie obstacle course. I'm not prepared for the obstacle course given that my R hip has been giving me a lot a pain in the last 6 weeks. I figure if I'm more trained for the running stamina, it'll help me not be so sore the next day after the run. Shin splints is the worst part of post run pain.
Being on my feet all day at work will helps too, but not too much as it has been my norm for the last 3 years.